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Updated: Apr 8, 2020

Its Easter week and I have some ideas for how you can bring all the fun of the season home with you. Most of these activities are things you would do WITH your child as they will involve some steps for success and probably some mess.

Some rules of thumb for messy projects:

1. Cover up! Cover the table with newspaper, a plastic tablecloth or something to protect it.

2. Prepare! All teachers know that a good preparation separates a great project from a disaster. So make sure you gather up everything you need, organize everything and then invite your child.

3. Let your child do it! There’s always a temptation for adults to take over the project because we adults are product driven. Keep in mind that children, especially young children are process driven. That just means they’ll learn so much more if they do it rather than watching you do it. If they do it, even if the product is not perfect, they’ll be so much more satisfied. It doesn’t matter what it turns out like … don’t take over!

4. Cleaning up is part of the process. Let your child clean up the mess. You don’t want to teach them that we get to make a mess and mom cleans it up – oh no! We do not want to teach that to them!

I’m going to put up a few videos of these messy and fun things you can do with your child – they’ll be on the front page of the blog. Just follow my directions. You can find loads of fun activities on the internet by googling fun messy Easter projects. If you go to the KIDS ACTIVITIES page on Foundations at Home you'll find home-made recipes for all kinds of fun messy stuff!

Don’t forget that Easter is a big part of our culture and many families have specific traditions that go along with Easter. Just because Covid-19 is among us and we’re isolated doesn’t mean we cannot celebrate our culture, religious, and family traditions as we always have.

1. Go ahead and have that special family meal, that Seder, that Easter picnic or whatever you family does to celebrate this season.

2. Go ahead and have a family egg hunt (if your family does that). One of my videos will be dying eggs at home so you don't have to go to the store and buy a kit!

3. If your family usually goes to church for Easter, many churches are doing ZOOM services – don’t skip church on this high holy day because of isolation orders. You can even try doing your own Easter service as a family - that would be interesting!

Happy Easter! I’m sure going to miss our annual family picnic and egg hunt – I was so looking forward to it. Now go to the HOME PAGE of our Foundations at Home and watch my videos - or come up with messy projects of your own. Mrs Jo

DRAFTJS_BLOCK_KEY:7hpbl Its Easter week and I have some ideas for how you can bring all the fun of the season home with you. Most of these activities are things you would do WITH your child as they will involve some steps for success and probably some mess.

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